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Photo of the Day: Welcome to the Andes | The Time to Go Is Now

Photo of the Day: Welcome to the Andes

Photo of the Day: Welcome to the Andes

The plan last night was to finish up our Costa Rica wrap up post and have it ready to publish by lunch today. But after waking up we decided that sitting in our room in Huarocondo typing would be a poor way to spend our first full day in the Andes especially when this is right outside our door:

Image of Huarocondo, Peru
The town of Huarocondo sits right of center behind the grove of trees.

Have I mentioned how much I love the panorama setting on our Galaxy S4?

6 Responses to Photo of the Day: Welcome to the Andes

  1. My panoramic view is of the white tundra of snow that just keeps coming. The up side is that 42 degrees feels like a heat wave. 🙂

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We're Mark & Julie

We quit our jobs at the end of 2013 to backpack around the world. We're sharing our stories, travel advice and hopefully some inspiration. Read more...

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