Huayna Picchu is the peak you see in the background of pictures of Machu Picchu. Two things you can’t really tell by looking at pictures of it: It is taller than it looks as it is not as close as it looks and there are terraced Inca ruins at the top of it.
We decided to climb it and when we finally reached the top (we had to take several breaks along the way) we found a nice little terrace with no one else around so we decided to have a rest and some lunch. After resting a bit Julie decided she needed to memorialize the climb and our trip to Machu Picchu with a special photo. So, here you go:

That is a solid headstand, Julie. Good work! Gorgeous place to do one, too.
Thanks Cara. That’s what I thought too
Thanks Cara. It was exciting.
Julie recently posted…Photo of the Day: What Do You Do When You Climb to the Top of Huayna Picchu?
Erik W. will throw up just looking at that picture.
It was pretty high up and the altitude was a lot to handle. We had to stop several times just to get to the top.
Julie recently posted…Photo of the Day: What Do You Do When You Climb to the Top of Huayna Picchu?
I had no idea there were ruins up there. Awesome. Just…awesome.
James recently posted…Fat Tuesday
We really didn’t either until we got there and started exploring. I can’t imagine having to move all those stones around at those heights.
Julie recently posted…Photo of the Day: What Do You Do When You Climb to the Top of Huayna Picchu?
Your legend continues to grow — very awesome pics once again. (aka: that be cool as sh!t)
Woody, we are doing are best to make you proud. 🙂
Impressive!! In so many ways!!
Thanks. Super fun too.
Julie recently posted…Photo of the Day: What Do You Do When You Climb to the Top of Huayna Picchu?
That must be one Helluva sports bra, as I can still see her face!
The Peruvians know how to make them LOL
Julie recently posted…Photo of the Day: What Do You Do When You Climb to the Top of Huayna Picchu?
You have no idea what this did for me. I really needed this moment. Love you and miss you jewels.
Glad I could be there for you Trenda. Miss you. Take care.
Julie recently posted…Photo of the Day: What Do You Do When You Climb to the Top of Huayna Picchu?
Julie!!!! That scares me. You are so brave, my friend. Safe travels!!!
Megan recently posted…Rosalind is One! | Columbus Ohio Family Photographer
Scares you? I have to admit I was a little nervous myself. Otherwise, I would have done a handstand, but stuck with the headstand because I knew I was more stable 🙂
Julie recently posted…Photo of the Day: What Do You Do When You Climb to the Top of Huayna Picchu?
Wow! Just wow!!
Thanks Susan.
Julie recently posted…Photo of the Day: What Do You Do When You Climb to the Top of Huayna Picchu?
I think the altitude must be getting to my daughter. lol You sure that’s not some type of Yoga pose. Have fun and enjoy
This site is awesome Julie, your and your man are so inspiring and your photos capture such a sense of life….I look forward to the many more.
Wow impressive Aunt Julie!!!!! I sure know I couldn’t do that!! I hope your having a good time!! 🙂
Ummmmm…… holy moly. You are crazier than I thought!!! 😉 amazing picture.
to quote Jeff Spicoli, ‘Awesome! Totally awesome!’
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