I’ve been asked this a lot recently. The only thing officially on the schedule is meeting our friends in a field in France the second weekend of June for the 24 Hours of Le Mans. We went in 2010 and had a blast and were already planning on a return trip in 2014 when we hatched our plan. We saw no reason to remove it from the calendar. We just had to plan the first part of our trip in a way that would allow us to get there on time without too much trouble. Naturally, we decided to start in South America. Actually, Central America.

Our friends have been going to Belize for a week or so every winter for some time. We started joining them a couple years ago. We aren’t sure if that’s going to work out this year. Whether it does or not the next place on the list is Costa Rica. I would like to spend more time in Central America but to make our June date and give us time to get things done in South America we have to limit ourselves to just one stop.
After Costa Rica we’ll be off to Lima for a couple months winding our way through Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil. The plan is to then fly from Brazil to Portugal and spend some time in Portugal, Spain and maybe Morocco before meeting friends in Barcelona the week before Le Mans.
After Le Mans? It’s wide open. We’re tentatively looking at summer in Northern Europe and fall around the Mediterranean followed by hopping on a plane to somewhere in Asia.