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A Message From My 23 Year Old Self | The Time to Go Is Now

A Message From My 23 Year Old Self

A Message From My 23 Year Old Self

I was culling my book collection last weekend as I have way too many and I need the shelf space.  And honestly, there are many that I’m just never going to read. In one nondescript book I saw a folded piece of paper sticking out between the pages. Opening the book revealed a piece of paper folded into eighths and covered in my handwriting. The piece of paper had been written on front and back and featured the letterhead of a company I had worked for a couple years out of college.  Based on that and some of the things I mentioned in the letter I’d say that I wrote it sometime in early 1998.  Here are some excerpts from the mind of 23 year old Mark:

Image of 23 Year Old Mark
What’s that on your chin?

“I would pack up and leave and travel the country, but I owe the government too much money to afford any type of road trip.  Right now I’m working a couple crap jobs to make all the payments I owe. I’d like to get a well-paying job and pay off all of my debt. Unfortunately, once you get a real job, the only way you can travel a lot is by quitting.”

“I need a job where I can make a fair amount of money and still be free enough to travel the world. Few occupations allow you to do this, and winning the lottery isn’t an occupation.”

“The best option I see is being a writer. I’ve always enjoyed writing, but never sat down and did anything about it.”

“I guess I could be a travel writer, but I would need capital to be able to travel.”

“I just want to be free to roam and have some sort of skill that will ensure my ability to do so.”

Maybe the 23 year old me was a bit less of an idiot than I remember.  I got so sidetracked with other things in my life that I moved the continuous travel dream to the attic. However, I still managed to do all of the things I needed to do to prepare for it. I got a better paying job, I paid off my debts and I developed a skill or two that would allow me to work from anywhere. I just never put it all together until this year. The 23 year old me thought it was an impossibility so I didn’t pursue it. The older me was doing all of the right things, I just didn’t know why even though the answer had been right there the whole time.

9 Responses to A Message From My 23 Year Old Self

  1. Honey, that sounds like your “ruby slippers” moment — it was right there all along. I’m so excited for you two to take this adventure together!! It is truly inspiring.

    • In that picture? No. It was the only photo I could find from that time frame that didn’t also include a former girlfriend, a cigarette in my hand and/or me letting someone know they were #1.

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