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Blog | The Time to Go Is Now
Costa Rica Wrap Up & Guide

Costa Rica Wrap Up & Guide

I’ll be perfectly honest, Costa Rica wasn’t my idea. I was ready to start off in South America but Julie wanted to make a pit stop. It would count as our “vacation”. A warm up to the entire trip. I knew better than to argue and it’s not like I didn’t want to go. I… Continue Reading

Photo of the Day: Welcome to the Andes

Photo of the Day: Welcome to the Andes

The plan last night was to finish up our Costa Rica wrap up post and have it ready to publish by lunch today. But after waking up we decided that sitting in our room in Huarocondo typing would be a poor way to spend our first full day in the Andes especially when this is… Continue Reading

Budget Cooking: Aglio e Olio Recipe

Budget Cooking: Aglio e Olio Recipe

Truth be told I’m about as Italian as pickled herring. Supposedly my distant German ancestors were originally from Italy, but any way you slice it I’m at an absolute minimum 500 years removed from Italy and I didn’t grow up with any Italian relatives, traditions or recipes. Almost everything I know I’ve picked up from… Continue Reading

Photo of the Day: Look What Julie Found

Photo of the Day: Look What Julie Found

While hiking through the Santa Elena Cloud Forest Reserve Julie discovered this little guy: I walked right on by. Almost stepped on it more than likely. After a few steps I heard the standard “Oh shit there’s a spider” alarm from Julie. Based on the decibel level I wasn’t expecting anything larger than what we… Continue Reading

We're Mark & Julie

We quit our jobs at the end of 2013 to backpack around the world. We're sharing our stories, travel advice and hopefully some inspiration. Read more...

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