If you wait until the “right time” to go, you’ll never go. There’s no such thing. There will always be obligations. You could always save more money. You could have a sick relative or a friend getting married. Don’t get me wrong, choose your moment…but you can’t dwell on it.
When we hatched this plan we knew two good friends of ours were getting married the summer we would be gone. Julie was asked to be in the wedding. She declined. Julie’s grandfather is in his 90’s and isn’t doing well. Just this week I found out that one of my best friends may be getting married a month or so after we leave and he asked me to be best man. It sucks. I know it sounds incredibly selfish, and maybe it is. Maybe I should be more flexible. I don’t know. I just fear that if we start pushing back it won’t stop and something else will come up.
You have to accept the fact that major life events are going to occur while you are gone. These are beyond your control. Yes, it sucks, but such is life. I am going to have faith in our friends and family, and that they’ll understand and accept our choices. I will just have to make up for it in other ways.
You’re so right about there never being a right time, and that if you adjust your plans for one situation, it will snowball. Good on you guys for sticking to the plan. I’m sure your friends and family understand.